Are You Ready For Retiree Renters

The property market is fast changing and dynamic .... now more than ever before. So one of the things that investors, landlords and agents need to try and do is to look into the future as much as possible. In other words, look for upcoming trends and try to capitalise on them before they actually happen. Not after, once it is too late.

The 5 Types Of House Buyer

In property it’s a mistake to think that every buyer is the same and to treat them all the same. Every buyer is an individual and needs a different kind of service. Broadly though, there are five main types of house (or flat) buyer. Here are the different types and what you need to know about them

The Human Face Of CRM

Estate Agent CRM or Letting Agent CRM software has proved to be an important business tool in recent years. Chances are that estate agent CRM and letting agent CRM software packages are only going to become more important to your business in future. Essentially CRM is all about using technology to manage, analyse and automate your relationships with customers. Used correctly, CRM can be a powerful way to handle those relationships and make more money.


Our letting agency software and estate agency software is free to sign up so give Apex27 a try today.

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We are experts in migrating data from different platforms, just let us know who your current provider is and where possible we will automatically import your existing client, property and diary data.
We’ll let you use Apex27 at no cost, with as many users as you require, so long as you’ve given notice to your existing supplier.

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